Material and downloads


The exhibition will be accompanied by a “Magalog” (a mixture of magazine and catalogue) “Fast Fashion. Die Schattenseiten der Mode”, edited by Sabine Schulze and Claudia Banz, available for 6.50 Euro.

Authors: Dr. Claudia Banz, Dr. Marina Beermann, Jamil Bhuiyan, Dr. Marc Brandt, Ina Budde, Stephan Engel, Sabine Franke, Anke Hagemann, Prof. Patrick Kugler, Dr. Bettina Musiolek, Dr. Lucy Norris, Associate Professor Dr. Ralph Pirow, Angelika Riley, Frank Schmidt, Marijke Schottmer, Carolin Wahnbaeck, Waltraud Waidelich, Friederike von Wedel-Parlow, Miriam Wolf, Brigitte Zietlow

ISBN 13978-3-923859-82-5
In the Bookstore Walther König available.


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